Welcome to Vision Gaming! Home to Chernarus Life and War Z Servers
As many of you are aware, PvP plays a big role in The War Z. We had designed numerous different rules in an effort to prevent the KOS mentality which we saw rip apart Public servers. However in the process of doing so, we my have overlooked a few issues and this has resulted in me answering in various different scenarios if its alright if I kill this player etc.

It has got to the stage where many have not killed and gone against their character or factions usual behaviour due to a fear of any repercussions which may arise from killing, me included.

So therefore I have decided to remove some rules, and to clarify with regards to killing other players.

Firstly, PvP is allowed EVERYWHERE. If you want pure PvE, either go to the quietest areas of the map, or join another server. Just do not Safezone Camp!

If two factions are at war, then both factions can kill the other factions, and ask questions later. In a war, if you see the enemy, you going to put a few rounds into their backsides. Its the mechanics of War. Of course if you want Role-play, take prisoners, surrender etc then please feel free to do so

Also if you see a Psycho, again you can KOS, and they can do the same. These people are crazy after all and have no mercy. But remember that psycho's like to stalk and creep out their prey first, rather then intentionally looking for the next straggler to slaughter just because they were there.

Faction Types

Each Faction has their own style of playing and preference towards handling other players they meet. Here is a brief run down on how each faction operates.

Government - Can KOS enemy factions and Psycho's. Do not Kill their allies and try to help out Independent players.

FSK - Can KOS enemy factions and Psycho's. Do not Kill their allies and try to help out Independent players.

Smokers - They can basically KOS any player they come across. But I think they would rather try to convince you to join their cause first .

Psycho's - They can kill everyone, including each other

Independent - Do not look to kill other players, especially Gov and FSK, however they can defend themselves of course or even turn if they feel they are being unfairly treated.

The bottom line, if you get killed, Deal with it. **** happens, its part of the game. Please only complain if it is a member of your own faction.

If you have any questions regarding this issue, please reply to this post.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013

